

The Cast: A full cast list is forthcoming - as soon as I get enough characters in here to warrant it.

The OP Crew: Wodansdottir/Jen is responsible for all images and scripts, working off of the basis of stories and jokes by both her and Shaun/Boo-chan. Credit for others' contributions is generally made on a strip-by-strip basis.

The base bodies used are Josie's Chunkeez and Keiko. Her site is right here, and her finished dollz are much, much nicer and more detailed than mine. I bow to her and hope to do as well someday.

Some characters were based off of friends and friends' characters from the Steel Ravens RPG, to whom I am indebted not just for great comic fodder, but also lots and lots of emotional support. My coworkers also have a part in some strips, and I am grateful to them as well despite the fact that I cannot credit them without "incriminating" myself. My workplace is not, in general, a safe environment for someone like me to be running around out-of-closet. And for providing the impetus for me to get off my bony little butt and actually start the comic I'd been planning to do for ages, I thank Vremya from the Venus Envy forums - who didn't really do much but misinterpret a message I'd posted there, admittedly, but that was still the beginning of OP. ^_^

All materials, unless otherwise credited, are ©2003 Wodansdottir - all rights reserved worldwide.
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