

Arc I: The Obligatory Plotless Humor

Filler: Upholding the proud webcomic tradition of massive delays!
Work and Play: This is what happens when you put someone like me in a cubicle...
A Boo's Life: ...and this is what happens when you put someone like my fiance in another state.
Fun with Roomies: I laugh because I must not cry.
l33t sk1llz: Tai Chi, eating contests, and mind over, yeah.
The End of the Randomness: Exactly what the title says.

Arc I ½: Slightly Edited

Hack the System: Revealing the deep secrets behind the casting of Neo, and more.
Hammerspace: Trump to Michigan, no. Hammerspace to Michigan, yes. Don't ask how the physics of OP works; it's a GM plot device!
Bumper Sticker Week: Thanks to Boo for the idea.
The Matrix Repixelated: Cheerfully grinding my axe against the Wachowskis...again...



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